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Hello visitor . today we will introduce you : what is Programming Languages , areas of use , the most import languages , the need for Programming Languages in or time . 

Programming Languages
Programming Languages

*What is Programming Languages :

It is a set of commands, written according to rules defined by the programming language, and then these commands go through several stages until they are executed on the computer.

Programming languages
 It is possible to define programming as the process of writing instructions and commands for a computer or any other device, to guide it and inform it of how to deal with data or how to carry out a series of required actions.
The programming process follows the rules of the language chosen by the programmer.
Each language has its own characteristics that distinguish it from the others and make it suitable to varying degrees for each type of program and the task required of this program.
Programming languages ​​also have common characteristics and common limits, by virtue of the fact that all of these languages ​​are designed to deal with the computer.                                                          A programming language is basically a method that facilitates the programmer to write his program in the form of instructions and commands that the computer understands in order to carry out the required work. It is known that the computer converts the written language of programming into a series of 0 and 1, and starts its work on the basis of it. For writing commands, the selected programming language provides a set of basic things to base on during the program's creation process and a set of rules that enable dealing with and organizing information for the purpose of performing the required work.These principles and rules are generally represented in:
Information and its storage.
➤Orders and their organization.
Special design.                           

The information is stored in the current digital devices in the form of numbers according to the binary count system (that is, based on 0 and 1).
In general, modern processors do not deal with a single bit but rather groups of bits that may include:
8 bit = 1 byte, which is the smallest unit of information in modern computers.
16, 32, 64, 128, 256, or 512 bits.
Using 8 bits, for example, 256 different values ​​can be formed, and this value can be between 0 and 255. The programming language function represents the exploitation of a unit or group of units (symbols) to store real-life information such as names, measurements, or bank account numbers.

Each language has a special design in terms of dealing with data, and in terms of the methods and facilities provided by the language to deal with a specific problem.
Programming languages ​​can be classified in terms of the way programs are built into procedural languages ​​(Basic, Fortran), which are serial languages, the basis of their construction is the procedures to be applied to the arguments and variables. And object languages ​​(C, Java, Delphi) which are non-serial, and are based on the elements and variables used within the program to be converted, by applying a certain set of procedures to them.

The programmer performs operations on storage units such as storing, reading and comparing them, and calculations can be performed on them as well, and the operations follow the basic rules of the language. Tasks of carrying out the tasks of carrying out tasks written by the programmer.The language also enables a selection and branching process by entering a logical condition on the basis of which the computer chooses the direction of continuing to perform the work: let us assume that the program that the programmer wants to create divides two numbers that the user chooses, and shows the result on the screen, and it is known that division by zero is not permissible Based on that, the programmer must specify in his program this choice:If the denominator is different from zero, then the program runs the computer, performs the operation and gives the result. If the divisor is zero, then the program does not perform the operation, but rather alerts that the user tried to divide by zero. The orders can be organized in another way, where an order or group of orders is executed repeatedly in a loop (loop) and the orders can also be divided into sub-units that each unit performs a specific work, and the goal is to divide the work into parts that are easy to work on separately in the form Loops.

*Areas of use:

Programming languages ​​are used in the manufacture of applications and games, in controlling machines, in the manufacture of websites and pages, NAZA, and they are also used in data analysis, penetration, and many areas.

*The most import languages:

There are many programming languages, the most important of which is:

  • Python is an open-source programming language used by software engineers and back-end Web developers. Python is well-suited for scientific computing, and it is relatively simple to learn.
  • Java is prevalent in Web-based development, and it was created in 1995. Many companies in the health sciences, education, and finance industries use Java. Java enables the downloading of applets from websites, which enable browsers to perform additional functions.
  • Ruby is an open-source scripting language that coders can use independently or in conjunction with Ruby on Rails. NASA uses Ruby in its work with simulations.
  • HTML is used extensively in Web development. HTML is the code that serves as the foundation of Web pages, allowing people to create and structure electronic documents for viewing online.
  • JavaScript is used by Web developers and software engineers to manipulate page elements to make them more engaging. JavaScript enhances HTML, and it is embedded in most Internet browsers.
  • C is a middle-level programming language used by software developers and systems analysts. Programmers use C to create applications that integrate with operating systems.
  • C++, developed in 1983, is another middle-level programming language and works as an extension of C. Programmers use C++ to create games, graphics, and office applications.
  • C# is a programming language used by software engineers who create applications designed to work with Windows operating systems. C# shares similarities with Java.
  • Objective-C is an object-oriented language used by mobile developers and software engineers. Developers creating iOS and OS X utilities often use Objective-C.
  • PHP was released to the public in 1995. Developers use PHP as an open-source language to create dynamic Web pages. Widely used platforms such as WordPress and Drupal work cohesively with PHP.
  • SQL enables programmers to create, read, update, and delete information in a database. Companies use SQL to gather data.
  • Swift : Apple uses the Swift programming language to create and maintain iOS and OS X applications. Swift 2 is a secondary open-source programming language more recently released by Apple.     

Programming languagesProgramming languages

* the need for Programming Languages in or time :

Due to the development the world has witnessed, people needed computer languages ​​that enable them to control most of the smart machines, so we cannot do without programming machines, as they are the pillar of the world of technology.

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