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Hello  visitor. Thank you for visiting Heyos's blog .   today We will talk about : What is Bitcoin?, Personal Bitcoin Wallet, Registration in  blockchain wallet .

Bitcoin, Electronic currency

1- What is Bitcoin? :

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency and a global payment system that can be compared to other currencies such as the dollar, dinar, or euro, but with several basic differences, the most important of which is that this currency is a fully electronic currency that is traded online only without a physical presence. It is the first decentralized digital currency - it is a system that operates without a central warehouse or a single manager, that is, it differs from traditional currencies by not having a central regulatory body behind it. Peer-to-peer network transactions are done directly between users without an intermediary through the use of encryption. These transactions are verified by network nodes and recorded in a general reseller account book called a blockchain. Bitcoin was invented by an unknown person or group of people known as Satoshi Nakamoto and released as an open source program in 2009.
Bitcoin is created as a reward for a process known as mining. They

 can be exchanged for other currencies, products and services. As of

 February 2015, over 100,000 Bitcoin merchants and sellers have 

been certified as payment currency. Research estimates produced by

 Cambridge University indicate that in 2017, there are between 2.9 

and 5.8 million users using a wallet of cryptocurrency, most of them

 using Bitcoin.

2-Personal Bitcoin Wallet:

Bitcoin wallet is like a personal bank account secret and safe and

 varies according to the bank, but the goal is one and is to save

 the personal balance of the bitcoin currency, the wallet 

address consists of a coded set of letters and numbers in order

 to receive the bitcoin currency when purchasing this currency.

There is a large selection of Bitcoin wallets. The blockchain wallet is

 the best Bitcoin storage wallet so it is encrypted and protected from

 every hack or theft.

3-registration in  blockchain wallet :

After entering the link at the end of the explanation, follow these

 stages carefully :

1- Click on "inscription".

2- Your email .

3- your password .

4-  confirm  your password .

5- click on "create wallet ".

*You will receive a message on your e-mail that will be like that 

picture .

6-Click on "yes, this is my Email"

*You will receive a message informing you that you have 


*Here you'll find your homepage, which you'll be working on.

*When you log out and want to go back to your account , you will find

 this page .

A- You will receive another message on your email that contains the 

code you need .It will be like this : 

"7381f7ad-e63s-44ea-4587-6a414f75a897" .

   B- Email password ( first password ) .                                                                          

C- Click on" log in " .                                                                       

Thank you for visiting Heyos's blog .


I am a Tunisian national. I am 19 years old. An Arab blogger and YouTuber who holds a mathematics baccalaureate and is now a student at the Faculty of Engineering. I am good at programming. My goal is to share my experience in the field of technology in a simple and practical manner youtube facebook twitter instagram
